High School Selection Committee

High School Tuition Agreement Committee

The Winchester Hinsdale Tuition Agreement Committee has posted its work sessions at which the draft anchor high school tuition agreement will be drafted for town and NH Department of Education approval. All of the tuition agreement work sessions are held in non-public session under NH RSA 91-A:3, II (k) until such time that the draft agreement is ready to be posted for a public hearing. All draft agreements and meeting minutes will be posted at that time.

Wednesday, February 5

3:30 - 5:30

Hinsdale SAU Conference Room

Thursday, February 13

3:00 - 5:00

Winchester SAU Office

Monday, February 24

2:00 - 4:00

Virtual Meeting

Monday, March 3 CANCELED

3:00 - 5:00

Hinsdale SAU Conference Room

Thursday, March 13

2:30 - 4:30

Winchester SAU Office

Members of the committee include Winchester School Board members Dr. Karen Jerome (board chair) and Amanda Winchester, Hinsdale School Board members April Anderson (board chair) and Kaylah Hemlow (vice chair), Cheryl Mayberry and Jane Fortson (Winchester and Hinsdale business administrators, respectively), and Dr. David Ryan, superintendent for both school districts. Jacob Blake serves as the alternate for the Winchester team and Marc Sprague is the alternate for Hinsdale.

The schedule for the approval process, including the deliberative and voting sessions for all Winchester residents, is as follows:


Approval Activity

Thursday, April 3, 2025

Public hearing and school board vote on draft tuition agreement.

Saturday, April 19, 2025

Special Deliberative Session for tuition agreement warrant article.

Saturday, May 17, 2025

Special Voting Session for tuition agreement warrant article.

Thursday, June 12, 2025

NH State Board of Education approval of tuition agreement.


As the high school tuition contract with the Keene School District slowly sunsets toward the end of the 2027 school year, a team that has been appointed by the Winchester School Board is working to gather information about new high school opportunities for our students. Aptly named for its purpose, the committee met at least monthly in public at the Winchester School library and sought input and feedback from community members. Information about feedback events and input gathering sessions were listed on this webpage as well as through our Live Feed system, Facebook, and Class Dojo.

Meeting minutes and information about the high schools that participated are posted here. If you have any specific questions or input for the committee, please contact Chair Lindseigh Picard at lindseigh.picard@wnhsd.org or email wsdhsprocess@wnhsd.org.

Other committee members include: Sheena Bushee, Walker Wright-Moore, Jenny Wooster, Aaron Bittner, and Kevin Bazan. Superintendent David Ryan serves the committee in an ex-officio capacity.